Massage Services

We offer a variety of services to meet your individual needs. All appointments are by appointment only and in-office. Each massage is customized. Our office is currently not accepting new clients unless you’ve been referred or have a gift certificate.

Schedule our services today by calling or texting (765) 748-3740, e-mailing us at orĀ online.

The two prices listed in the table are the discounted price for First-Time Clients and Rebooking Clients and then the Regular Price for the service.

Specifics Massage- 30 Minute$35 / 40
Specifics Massage- 60 Minute $55 / 65
Specifics Massage- 90 Minute$70 / 85
Prenatal Massage (60 min)$55 / 65
Aromatherapy$10 / 15
Bamboo Fusion, Partial$5 / 10
Bamboo Fusion, Full Body$15 / 20
Raindrop Technique$15 / 20
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The two prices listed in the table are the discounted price for First-Time Clients and Rebooking Clients and then the Regular Price for the service.

Our office uses Coconut Oil and Simply Earth Essential oils in our services.

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Specifics Massage

Our office primarily provides Therapeutic Relaxing Massage. Our goal is to target your problem areas, while keeping the session relaxing. We do this using specific massage techniques and a medium-firm pressure to gradually release muscle adhesions and tension. Our goal is to focus on your problem areas, without forcing the muscles.
Techniques that may be used during sessions vary, and may include Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Precision Neuromuscular Therapy, Positional Release, Swedish, Pfrimmer and more. Massage is performed on a massage table, and usually in a face-up and face-down format. Our office does practice side-lying massage also, which is better for those who have certain types of low back pain and can allow better focus on the hips and glutes.

Our office offers either 30-, 60- or 90-minute Specific sessions.
30-minutes is long enough to focus on 1-2 specific areas.
60-minutes can be either a full-body massage with one specific area focused on, or it can be more specific. This means that 2-3 areas, like upper or lower body, or neck/shoulders, back and feet can be worked on.
90-minutes is enough time to receive a full-body massage and focus on 2-3 areas.
When you arrive for your massage, our therapist will take time to discuss what the goal for today’s session is.

The two prices listed in the table are the discounted price for First-Time Clients and Rebooking Clients and then the Regular Price for the service.

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Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage is for expecting mothers and new moms out there. Our office works with women who are past their first trimester. If you are a high-risk pregnancy, please check with your doctor before scheduling a session.
Our office only performs side-lying prenatal massage, for 60-minutes. This style never puts the mother-to-be on her stomach or back. This type of massage, in general, is lighter in pressure and non-specific, with the main focus being relaxation and general muscle relief.
If you would like more information on Prenatal Massage, there are many phenomenal resources online for information. One such place is this article from the American Pregnancy Association.
Our office continues to offer side-lying as an option for post-natal massage until our new moms are ready to lie in a face-down position.

The two prices listed in the table are the discounted price for First-Time Clients and Rebooking Clients and then the Regular Price for the service.

Add-on Options

These are options that can be added to a massage session. They do not add additional time, but are a way that some of the time will be focused in your session.

The two prices listed in the table are the discounted price for First-Time Clients and Rebooking Clients and then the Regular Price for the service.

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Reflexology is primarily a type of foot work. When added to a session, this will take 15-20 minutes of the session time. Generally, this occurs at the beginning of the session. This technique has no additional cost to be added to a session.

More information about this technique can be found here.

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Aromatherapy is the addition of essential oils to the session. Our office offers a variety of oils to choose, and these options change through the year. Presently, our office will offer Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon and Orange. To clarify, the chosen oil is added to the massage oil and to a diffuser.

Aromatherapy can have several benefits, especially increasing relaxation. This is one of many studies on the benefits of essential oils.

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Raindrop Technique is a Young Living creation. This technique uses the following oils on the feet and back, individually applied: Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Peppermint. Our office uses V6 oil (a natural, fatty oil) to dilute the oils to ease the speed of absorption and prevent skin irritation.

There are a variety of statements claiming versus benefits. This is the information Young Living shares about Raindrop.

Our office will only claim that this is a deeply relaxing technique. This session focuses on the feet and back, and in general, this isn’t a massage based technique. Our office incorporates quite a bit, however.

Bamboo Fusion

Bamboo Fusion is a Warm Therapeutic technique involving sticks of Bamboo. These are smooth pieces on bamboo ranging in length from about 6 to 12 inches, and are about an inch wide. This pieces are warmed on a heating pad and can be used with our oil to glide along the skin and work into the muscles. It is very similar to Hot Stone massage, but with two main differences. First, this technique is warm and not hot, resulting in a much more comfortable and relaxing experience. Second, the pieces are designed to be used in massage, making it much easier to use them in a massage.

This technique is being offered in two ways at our office. A Partial Bamboo massage means that we would only use the pieces in one or two areas, such as legs, neck or back. This is best if really focused work is the goal. A Full Bamboo massage would incorporate the Bamboo into every part of the body and lends itself to an overall relaxing massage.

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